No, this is not a blog post about how to figure out if your electrician has connected your fuses, switches, and circuit breakers in the right way. Although, I recommend that you have one of those done by somebody who actually knows what they’re talking about in that dimension. This post is about the polarity […]
The Complete Posts
We want the ‘good’ tests
Today was a good day. It’s the kind of day that I feared nine years ago. It’s a day when the results of a test were revealed to me. Nine years ago I wasn’t even aware that I had taken a test. My annual physical arrived and my doctor who is a very laid back […]
Just when I thought I was out…
Testing, I can’t quit you As the Tom Hanks character in You’ve Got Mail suggests the Godfather movies provide a plethora of metaphors for the dynamics of our careers. In my case, I welcomed the absence of actual physical ‘hits’ even though corporate board room often did resemble a meeting of the Five Families. The […]
Too Early for Apgar
I was born early. My mother, by then familiar with the routine of births via my four older brothers, insisted the nurse admitting her had made a wrong turn in the corridor at Union Hospital in the Bronx; the labor room was in the other direction. But the nurse replied that there was no need […]
Test Hatred I
Tests have found all of us multiple times throughout our lives especially in our school years, but does the first one we took there come to mind? Do we know anything about its quality? Was it a good test? Was it atrocious? Did we care? Did we abhor testing from the get-go? Did our parents? It is unlikely that they would have […]