Today’s Washington Post carries a story about how our current president has broken his promise to end daylight savings time. You can read more about his perfidy here. (Yes, perfidy — le mot juste — from the Latin perfidus that breaks faith or promise. The Testing: A Personal History Substack is classical)
Beyond his admission of that breach of trust with all the people who voted for him because he was going to repeal Daylight Savings Time, which Joe Biden voted to make permanent when he was a freshman Senator, an anonymous source indicated that our 47th president in an offhand remark when the mics were cold said, “What the hell. Let’s give them an extra hour of daylight tomorrow. On me!” The same source claimed that Trump then reached into his pocket and pulled out a Big Mac, which he began to consume rather noisily.

We are here to speak the truth: you will not be getting an extra hour of daylight tomorrow. Donald Trump has not granted you 60 more minutes of The Sun. You’ll be getting one more minute of daylight if you are lucky enough to live in the New York Metropolitan area.
And that extra unforgiving minute for you to fill has nothing to do with a White House Executive Order. It’s connected to the Earth rotating on its axis and some other stuff that I last thought about in 7th grade.
I know that some of the internet intelligentsia, the sub stack sages, the tick tock tsars (who all read this Substack but have a device to hide their views and likes) will claim that most people didn’t think that they were actually getting another hour of the sun tomorrow. Oh, Yeah? Well, most people — not a mandate, not a majority, but face it MOST — voted for Donald Trump. So…
Additionally, take a look at this factual information from that Washington Post article. (Actually it’s just a poll, and that’s in the same way that I think red wine is good for me is a fact because I do think that. The poll is not necessarily reliable, but we like what it said so that’s why in the finest journalistic tradition we’re printing it here.)
“An October 2023 YouGov poll found that 33 percent of respondents wanted year-round daylight saving time, 23 percent wanted permanent standard time, and 9 percent had no preference. The remainder weren’t sure or preferred to remain on the current system.”
The remainder? 25%!!!
One out of four respondents to this inconsequential poll seems confused about the whole thing. These are the kind of people who think that Trump is giving them an extra hour of daylight tomorrow. And we’re here to set the record straight. Because correcting every lie that is told by the current POTUS and his minions is going to make a difference, isn’t it? Wasn’t fact checking Donald Trump a major reason why he was not elected this year. It worked so well that we have to keep doing it over and over and over again or at least until he takes away an hour of time next November.