I have never felt more of a minority in this country than today. Not alone, but palpably aware that most of the attitudes of most of my fellow citizens are not anyway like mine.
The Complete Posts
Postscript: The Reviews Are In, Don’t Be On The ‘Outs’
You did it! The house opened, the seats filled, lights dimmed, and then rose again in the proper pattern to illuminate your story and the marvelous set constructed for this occasion. The actors costumed brilliantly moved and spoke as you imagined. Well, mostly as you imagined because the direction and their own imagination have brought […]
Madelyn Blair Interviews Me on Reinvention
In a very welcome event where I managed to blend experiences and insights from both of my major careers — Chief Learning Officer and Playwright – – Madelyn Blair, executive coach, TV host, president of the Conscious Business Network on e360tv, and old friend from our days in the world of organizational knowledge and learning research, invited me to a discussion on reinvention. That […]
A Poll Is A Lower Quality Type of Knowledge
Many friends looking at my work history of well over 50 years perceive a kind of crazy quilt (is that too outdated a metaphor?) of careers. While there were many different jobs ranging from girls basketball coach to reform school teacher to alcoholism counselor to actor and playwright to barely competent bartender to psychiatric hospital […]
Six Steps Aiding Reinvention
Yep, I said in my previous post that CR Snyder proved that there were six steps to enacting a strategy of hope, steps that are a necessary element of successful reinvention. Nowhere will you find any claim that ascending those steps is easy. Heck, finding a free hour to even contemplate the steps can prove […]
Hope = Crucial Reinvention Strategy
(and I tell how a NYT article in 1991 revealed this to me) Yes, HOPE. The Jesuit scholar, William F. Lynch, defined hope as, “the fundamental knowledge and feeling that there is a way out of difficulty, that things can work out, that we as human persons can somehow handle and manage internal and external […]
Reinvention: Long Story Short
If you talk of fifty years of working life… you have to reinvent yourself. You have to make something different out of yourself…”Peter Drucker Drucker was right about this as he was about so many things. And if you need a refresher as to what we are proposing, you can find the first posts in […]
A Christmas Dog’s Dinner
Yes, sit down (or stand up) for a special holiday canine repast of links about testing and its adjacent domains or what is known as a dog’s dinner this time. And why wouldn’t you be invited, anybody who is interested in measurement is part of a community. At least that seems to be the point […]
Another Dog’s Breakfast of Testing Tidbits? Okay, Brunch.
Cleaning up the files reveals some interesting threads. At least, I found them interesting. Bon appetit. MBTI Again?? As if my recent four part screed about Myers Briggs wasn’t enough… How Koreans fell in love with an American World War II era personality test The MBTI approach to dating appeals to the practicality of the […]
Dog’s Breakfast: Collected Links Going to Waste
In writing this entirely sporadic account of Testing: A Personal History, links surface in various streams where I wade: Twitter (could be leaving that ‘hellscape’ soon), LinkedIn, RSS Feeds, Newspapers, even emailed suggestions from faithful fans. Several that I will not likely get around to using in the near future deserve to be seen here […]